Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Food For Canary.

Let us note some opinion which also beternak, concerning this canary food. That way we even also get some advantage in handling bird food, especially if us of[is including one who give bird food by mingling by xself.

There is saying that bird food mixture shall compose and canary seed, nigger rape,biji seed, hemp seed, linseed seed, cress seed, cabbage seed kol, poppy seed, and millet seed, beside hijauan food and is other.
Following the tables of Canary food composition :
Type Food-Stuff

Seed Canary
Seed Radish
White Millet
Red Millet
Seed Mustard
Seed Godem
Seed Nigger

Canary seed represent part of everyday food and primal. This seed have to still goodness, not yet destroyed. Rape seed considered to be everyday food also. good Rape have to represent rather seed of kebulat-bulatan and likely beloved. Breeder generally always try to feel sendin feel this seed with tip of tongue after this seed is split. good seed will give to feel bulk beloved, Is which felt bitter or getir so that don't wear as bird food. Seed Niger have been considered to be less seed is necessary for canary food. But people feel memerlukanya because as gizi value, because this niger seed contain high Fat

Hemp seed have high fat content better wear only after harvested. To take care of the condition of singer canary in the reality this important seed is not. But to bred by bird this is seed very is needed, that goodness before and also bird perkawin muslin moment. Referred as also that in this is bijian snow muslin very is needed. This seed help bird to get needed energi and assist bird to reach condition ready to marry. There is breeder breaking this seed every day and given by its bird a few/little. Because
this seed have husk which sometimes too hard to be broken by bird. This Hemp in dictionary mean RUMMY.

Linseed seed, cress seed, cabbage seed kol, poppy seed ( tree and seed of the same nation opium / opium), and grist seed represent mixture able to be passed to bird in number just a few/little is, with note that big canary birds rather is taking a fancy to of grist seed. Concerning millet seed which kinds of that kind of earn is also enhanced in this special mixture to enrich existing mixture content. Although this millet is not common/ public to singer canary, but this millet of mixture materials pakan meru which necessary for bred birds, especially if this seed have germinated. To other Breeder that elementary food to canary diet is canary seed mixture and red rape seed ( radish seed), with comparison two or three part of canary seed with one red rape seed bijian. Is in addition mentioned to be two or thrice one week bird so that given by mixture food ( don't too much) what compose and hemp seed, nigger seed, grist seed, rummy tree seed ( linseed), and black rape seed

Most all Breeder suggest to be giving nigger seed thrice one week to female to lay eggs, that is if/when muslin marry have. Its reason is this oily bijian and have mentioned over and over people As medium to prevent egg “ stuck on the way”. Besides also suggest that one who mingle by xself food don't too much piling up bird food if He is beternak on a large scale. More beneficial if people buy just him in number enough. At this rate quality of food is not downhill depository during. To buying this food in free marketing, we might be will buy is same supply and food because its merchant deliver this food-stuff in gross

Besides mixture food staple food weared also as bird diet food, better compose and six part of canary seed, one part of red rape seed ( radish seed), one part of linseed seed ( rummy tree seed). this Mixture food is passed to bird as one unity. Besides so that people give penyehat food and custodian food of condition of just bird once in a while. as well as wearing food become which have been made by makananburung factory, what generally of bijian mixture memepunyai from some place / state as special mixture of that factory.

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